Lesson 5

By the end of Lesson 5 you will be able to:

LO1: Demonstrate the use of Paths in Kodu.

LO2: Apply variables and a path to a basic game.

LO3: Recognize what different pieces of code mean and explain what it does.



Your teacher demonstrated how to use a path in Kodu, can you try this out in your own world? Use the tutorial to help if you need it.

path tutorial sep sheet



Follow the tutorial to create a coin collection game:

Using Paths in Kodu

paths game & extra variables help sheet (use this version only if your teacher tells you)


Show that you know what the different parts of a program mean. Complete this activity sheet:

Code Annotation plenary


Congratulations, you have developed a coin collection game, and showed you understand what the lines of code you use mean.




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