Lesson 4

By the end of Lesson 4 you will:

LO1: Be able to demonstrate what you have learnt to do in Kodu so far.

LO2: Know that variables are used in games and describe a variable.

LO3: Demonstrate the use of a Variable in Kodu.


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You should of completed a mind map as a whole class with your teacher to show everything you have learnt so far.



You will now complete your Mid-Point Assessment, you teacher will tell you what to do for this.

Activity 2:

You will now learn about variables with your teacher.

Can you describe a variable? Can you give examples? How will you use variable in Kodu?


Complete the plenary sheet below:

plenary activity sheet

Today you have demonstrated the programming skills you have developed so far, well done. You have have also looked at variables, can you explain a variable to someone a home?

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