Lesson 2

By the end of Lesson 2 you will:

LO1: Become familiar with Kodu User Interface.

LO2: Be able to add objects to a world.

LO3: Be able to apply a WHEN / DO syntax to an object in Kodu.


Dora_the_Explorer Cartoon Pictures (3)

Explore Kodu.

What does it look like? What can you do?


Activity 1


Teach your first Kodu Character to move using the tutorial sheet below.

Kodu Tutorial 1

Activity 2


Teach your Kodu to eat apples by following the tutorial below.

Making Kodu eat apples

Tutorial help sheet (If your stuck try this hint sheet)



Complete the plenary activity sheet to show what you have learnt today

L2 plenary

L2 plenary extended (Only complete this version of the activity if your teacher tells you)

Well done, in today’s lesson you have used the correct syntax to make a Kodu character move and eat apples.

Congratulations you wrote your first programs




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